Nashwaak Watershed Association | Forest Stewardship
Resources for Forest Owners
nashwaak forest stewardship project
Learn. share. manage. protect.
There are many incredible resources for forest owners that describe how to restore private forests to benefit wildlife, to adapt to climate change, and to harvest sustainably using low-impact methods.
NEW: Guide to Protecting Forest Habitat in New Brunswick
How do I care for my forest?
- Into the Wabanaki: Forest Care Guide. Community Forests International. 2023.
How do I restore my forest to provide some of the benefits of mature forest
- New England–Acadian Forest Restoration: A Landowner’s Guide to Theory and Practice. Josh Noseworthy. 2018. Nature Conservancy of Canada.
- Restoring the Acadian Forest – A Guide to Forest Stewardship for Woodlot Owners in the Maritimes. Jamie Simpson. 2008. Res Telluris.
- Restoring Old-Growth Characteristics to New England and New York’s Forests. 2022. Anthony D’Amato & Paul Catanzaro.
How do I manage my forest to protect biodiversity?
- A Field Guide to Forest Biodiversity Stewardship. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources.
- Forestry for Maine Birds: A Guidebook for Foresters Managing Woodlots with Birds in Mind. Maine Audubon Society. 2017.
- The Woodland Owner’s Guide to Forestry for Maine Birds. Maine Audubon Society.
- The Logger’s Guide to Forestry for Maine Birds. Maine Audubon Society.
- Forestry for Maine Birds – Fact Sheets about Bird Species and Forest Management
- Nova Scotia Fact Sheets about Bird Species at Risk, including Canada Warbler, Common Nighthawk, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Olive-Sided Flycatcher, and Rusty Blackbird.
How do I manage my forest to adapt to our changing climate?
- NBFWO & CFI – Our Changing Forest Video Series
- Part 1 – Understanding Change
- Part 2 – Assessing Your Forest
- Part 3 – Managing for the Future
- Stand 1 – Balsam Fir-Dominated Stand
- Stand 2 – Mature Mixedwood
- Stand 3 – Young Mixedwood
- Building Capacity of Woodlot Owners to Climate Change – Conference workshops
- Climate Change Resilience in the Wabanaki Forest: A Review – Community Forests International
- Climate Change Resilience and Carbon Storage: Silvicultural Prescriptions for the Wabanaki Forest Region
- Projected Climate Conditions by EcoRegion
How can I harvest sustainably from my forest?
- The Woodlot Management Handbook: Making the Most of Your Wooded Property for Conservation, Income or Both. 2009. Stewart Hilts and Peter Mitchell. Firefly Books. 314 pp.
- Restoring the Acadian Forest – A Guide to Forest Stewardship for Woodlot Owners in the Maritimes. Jamie Simpson. 2008. Res Telluris. 154 pp.
- Woodlot Management Home Study Guide – Government of Nova Scotia:
- Association for Sustainable Forestry video series: “Leaving a Legacy”
- Part 1: Selection Management
- Part 2: Crop Tree Pruning
- Part 3: Crop Tree Release
- Tolerant Hardwood Management Guide – Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry
- Tolerant Softwood & Mixedwood Selection Management Guide – Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry
- Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry Brochures:
- New Brunswick Private Woodlot Silviculture Manual – Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development
- What Will My Woods Look Like? Before and After Timber Harvesting. Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
- Nova Scotia Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix
How can I ensure my forest is protected for the long term, even after I am no longer managing it?
- Conservation Options for New Brunswick Landowners. Nature Trust of New Brunswick.
- Conservation Easements: Questions and Answers for Landowners. Nature Trust of New Brunswick.
- The Future of Your Forest: Selling or Donating Your Forest for Conservation. Community Forests International.
- Gifts of Land, Conservation Agreement, Ecogift Program. Nature Conservancy of Canada.
How do I manage pests or invasive species in my forest?
- Field Guide to Pests of the Acadian Forest – Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
- Hemlock Woolly Aldelgid – Natural Resources Canada
- Spruce Budworm – Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
- Emerald Ash Borer – New Brunswick Invasive Species Council
- White Pine Weevil – Natural Resources Canada
- New Brunswick Invasive Species Council