In New Brunswick's first-of-its-kind conservation easement, a deal struck to reforest Marysville Flats Hadeel Ibrahim, CBC News Before settlement, a swath of floodplain forest on Fredericton's north side was ideal habitat for species now …
Nashwaak Watershed Association Protects 23 Acres in Marysville
Nashwaak Watershed Association – The Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. has protected a property in Marysville, New Brunswick named the Maysville Flats. The Association, in partnership with the City of Fredericton, has been working since 2011 on the …
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Completion of the Marysville restoration project- A decade in the making.
We are excited to announce that as of Wednesday, October 13th, 2021 we will have completed the tree planting phase of our restoration work on the 27-acre floodplain property owned by the City of Fredericton, Marysville Flats. The completion of tree …
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Our Changing Forest
Many woodlot owners are wondering how their forests will change over the next 50 years, with predictions of climate warming and changes to precipitation regimes. How will the tree species we have respond to such changes? Is there …