On Tuesday, September 25th, from 1-3pm, we held a tree planting event in honor of National Tree Day. With the help of students and teachers at the Fredericton Christian Academy and members of the Fredericton North Rotary Club, we were able to plant …
One More Tree
On Saturday, September 15th from 2-4pm, we partnered with Radical Edge and OBOZ Footwear for the One More Tree event at the Marysville Flats. Over 40 volunteers participated in this event including numerous good-hearted helpers who prepared the site …
Where does the environment fit into the provincial election?
With the New Brunswick provincial election just weeks away, three leaders of the environmental movement sat down for an discussion on CBC radio. CBC host Terry Seguin interviews Executive Director Marieka Chaplin, Roberta Clowater from CPAWS NB …
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Fish Ladder Installation at Manzer Brook
On August 20th, our team installed a fish ladder on a culvert at Manzer Brook. We had surveyed this culvert in 2017 and recognized that it had a drop at the outlet that was preventing some fish from passing through in low water conditions. The ladder …
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