Do you know what a rain garden is? A rain garden is designed to collect rain runoff, slow its movement and allow the rain water to filter back into the ground. Rain gardens have various benefits to the environment, for instance, they help prevent …
Temperature Logger Program
Are you interested in how we measure the health of the Nashwaak Watershed? We're starting a new social media series to give you more information about our field work and the data we collect! Check out our Facebook and Instagram to follow along every …
Federal Liberal Government Approves Sisson Mine Project
The federal liberal cabinet has approved plans by Sisson Mine to include two waterways that are habitat for endangered Atlantic Salmon and other fish species in the mine tailings site. The Sisson Mine project intends to use water bodies frequented by …
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Tree Planting with UPS
On Thursday, June 20th over 30 volunteers with UPS Canada planted 150 silver maple trees on the Marysville Flats. One mature silver maple tree will uptake 220 litres of water every hour. As these trees grow, they help stop climate change by …