Update: In May 2018 the Nashwaak Watershed Association submitted a response to the proposal to amend the Metal Mining Effluent Regulation (MMER) for the Sisson Mine Project. Click here for the NWAI submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada, May 2018
Close to 250 people crowded into the Upper Nashwaak Lions Club in Cross Creek to hear what the company behind the Sisson Mine project had to say about its proposal to the federal government on disposing waste water into fish-bearing brooks, and plans to compensate for loss of fish habitat.
The NWAI is encouraging concerned citizens to participate in the process by providing comments directly to Environment and Climate Change Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada is accepting comments on this proposal by email until May 3, 2018. Please submit your comments directly to: ec.mmer-remm.ec@canada.ca
If you’re looking for a convenient way to submit your comments, we’ve collaborated with the Conservation Council of NB who have developed an easy way to submit your letter.
You can use this pre-written letter to have your say today
If you are looking for more information on the proposed changes, documents are available from Environment and Climate Change Canada at: https://app.centralcollab.com
Please provide the following information to login:
Username: Sisson1
Password: Sisson1!
To read the full story, covered by CBC click on the link below.
Public Concerned Over Sisson Mine