Why Our Survey?
Greenways provide a non-motorized, safe way to travel for many purposes, such as commuting to school or work, or for recreation. The mode of travel can include walking, bicycling and jogging or even horseback riding. Trails can be paved sidewalks, bike paths, or single-track dirt trails that enable people to experience the outdoors and special features of their community. As well, greenways provide important wildlife habitat and safe travel corridors for many birds, mammals, and other animals.
Please help the Fredericton Area Watersheds Association and the Nashwaak Watershed Association with this project, by providing input as we work with the community, and for the community, to identify and establish the Nashwaak Greenway along the Nashwaak River in and north of Fredericton (see map below).
By taking the time to provide us with your thoughts and opinions as we develop the Nashwaak Greenway project, you can help us ensure that the design ideas we generate reflect your values and recreational needs. The results of this survey will be posted on the Fredericton Area Watersheds Association’s website at www.nbwatersheds.ca/fawa.
Here is the link to the survey itself: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Nashwaak
Thank you in advance for your contribution!