On Saturday September 14th from 1pm to 3:30pm we’re hosting a Family Wildlife Watch and Photo Contest to raise awareness of the Nashwaak Greenway project. This event will bring local families to the greenway area so that they can learn about the plants and animals living in this wild space so close to home. We’ll have wildlife experts on hand to guide groups into different environments such as forests, ponds, marshes, and the river bed. People will be able to look at, listen to, and feel the life of a floodplain forest. At the end, we’ll have participants send us one photo entry each and we’ll declare the winner at our Greenway Celebration event on September 28th.
The event will begin at the Marysville Heritage Centre, 11 McGloin St, Marysville at 1pm, and we’ll return to this site around 3:00pm.
To sign up RSVP greenway@ns4.ibsltd.ca or phone 999-2163